Monthly Heart Healing

Our Monthly Heart Healings will remove all the old, negative energy around you that's holding you back from living the life of your dreams, wherever you are in the world!

Everyone is affected by invisible and harmful energies.  We pick them up from the people and places that we pass in our everyday life. 

We can even pick up unwanted energies from the telephone, TV and the internet. Left unchecked these energies drain your life force and pull down your vibe - Not cool!

We say 'no-way' to that and clear all the energy trouble-makers before they get comfy in your life!

Here's What You Get:

  • A 121 Private Energy Clearing Session Every Month
  • A Group Energy Clearing Session Every Month
  • Video Feedback direct to your inbox
  • 14 Days free trial
  • Cancel Anytime

Our simple and powerful service keeps you flying high month after month.

Meet Neil

All remote energy clearings are done by Neil Cammish - a professionally trained and qualified Shamanic Practitioner and Star Magic Healing Facilitator.  Know you're in safe hands.

   "I wasn't always a healer!  I started off in life as the IT guy - writing software and fixing databases.  Pretty exciting stuff ;-)) 

I started on my own journey to healing in 2013 when something went 'snap' in my life.  Life lead me to Shamanism, Dowsing and Star Magic Healing and I've never felt soooo good!

I swapped 'Software Architect' for 'Energy Architect' and I love every minute.  It is my pleasure to lead you back to the peace and calm that lies within your sacred heart."

Come and join our global community of happy hearts today!

3 Modules


A welcome message from Neil...

What to Expect

The practical details of your monthly heart healing package

Schedule of Healings for 2022

All the timings for 2022

Modules for this product 3
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Payment Options

 Monthly Heart Healings - Dollars
 14 Day Trial  ( then $75.00 USD a month )
 Monthly Heart Healings - Euros
 14 Day Trial  ( then 60.00 EUR a month )

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